IBM Hardware Maintenance

Baby Blue are experts in IBM Maintenance, we lead with & recommend genuine IBM maintenance services for businesses running IBM-supported technology and we also have 3rd party solutions to extend the life of your older IBM-unsupported legacy equipment, and we can simplify by consolidating into a single cost effective agreement covering all items.

Genuine IBM Maintenance

With full access to IBM technical experts L1,L2 & L3 "That's real Level 3", IBM also have the largest team of field engineers, 100% parts availability, and unlike 3rd party maintenance support, IBM's maintenance includes legal access to ALL firmware, microcode, and security patch levels.

Third Party Maintenance (TPM) for IBM un-supported products

For customers with older IBM technology where IBM maintenance is no longer available Baby Blue can provide 24x7 TPM hardware maintenance.

No TPM can legally provide microcode or security updates, however we have agreements with the reputable TPM's in the UK and if your running legacy IBM un-supported products we will have a competitive solution ready for you.

Please contact us at or Telephone: +44(0)1234 412320

IBM Hardware Maintenance

How can we help your business?

Contact Us to see how our services align with your needs and projects.

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